Evening at Pops

1985 - Pops Celebrates 100 - At the Lincoln Memorial

A Special "Evening at Pops" program at the Lincoln Memorial with a public audience from 1985, for the Pops celebration with John Williams conducting patriotic American themes and with John Denver as the guest and also with the Pops Centennial Chorus.

~ Thanks to the help of my friend Miguel Andrade  for supplying the information.

Release Information:
Orchestra conductor: John Williams.
Guest: John Denver
Chorus: The Pops Centennial Chorus, Weldon Norris - Director
07/14/1985. Broadcasted by PBS.
Running Time:  55 minutes.


Track Listing:

John Williams conducts the Boston Pops:

- Introduction
- Olympic Fanfare and Theme
- America The Beautiful
- The Cowboys Overture and Documentary

With John Denver:

- America, The Dream Goes On
- Country Roads

John Williams conducts the Boston Pops:

- Reach Out: A Pops Sing Along
- The Magic of Walt Disney
- Saint Louis Blues March
- The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- The Stars and Stripes Forever


Evening at Pops 1985 - Opening Credits

Opening Credits

Evening at Pops 1985 - John Williams Credits

John Williams Credits

Evening at Pops 1985 - Boston Pops at the Lincoln Memorial

Boston Pops at the Lincoln Memorial

Evening at Pops 1985 - Pops Brass section

Pops Brass section

Evening at Pops 1985 - John Williams Conducts Evening at Pops 1985 - John Williams at the Lincoln Memorial Evening at Pops 1985 - John Williams conducts the Boston Pops

John Williams conducts the Boston Pops

Evening at Pops 1985 - The Pops Centennial Chorus

The Pops Centennial Chorus

Evening at Pops 1985 - John Williams conducting

John Williams conducting

Evening at Pops 1985 - John Denver

John Denver

Evening at Pops 1985 - Cello

On the Cello: Martha Babcock

Evening at Pops 1985 - Concert at the Lincoln Memorial

People gathering at the Lincoln Memorial

Evening at Pops 1985 - Closing Credits

Closing Credits